Teachers use this link to access Eduphoria to run tests and gather data in Eduphoria. If you need assistance, please see Louana Peterson (BJH Instructional Coach).
This link takes you directly to the Online Time system for LCISD. Use this system to log in and out and track personal leave and other time taken off.
This link can be used by staff and administration to log into their LiveSchool account if ClassLink's app is not working for you. Use your LCISD e-mail and password to login.
Use this link to create PO’s, approve requisitions and budget transfers.
This website and app will be used by LCISD and BJH to push out communication, newsletters, alerts, etc.
This website is used by teachers to get their Initial or Refresher T-TESS Training.
This website is used by the Special Education department to enter paperwork, etc. for the ARD process.
Staff can use this website to check absences.